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react-poptart is an easy-to-use notification and alert system for React apps. It includes features such as multiple animations, auto-dismiss notifications, progress bars, customizable alerts, and flexible theming options.

The bundled size of react-poptart is a mere 13kb, much smaller than most other libraries!

This documentation will guide you through the setup, usage, and customization of the Poptart Notification and Alert components.


To install the package, use npm:

npm install react-poptart


To use the Poptart component in your React app, you must wrap your application in the PoptartProvider. This ensures that all child components can trigger notifications and alerts.

import React from 'react';
import { PoptartProvider } from 'react-poptart';

function App() {
  return (
      <YourAppComponents />

export default App;

Notifications Usage

To trigger a notification, use the usePoptart() hook, which provides access to the push() and dismiss() methods.


import React from 'react';
import { usePoptart } from 'react-poptart';

const NotificationButton = () => {
  const { push } = usePoptart();

  const handleClick = () => {
      type: 'success',
      message: 'This is a success notification!',
      duration: 5000,  // Optional: Specify duration in milliseconds

  return <button onClick={handleClick}>Show Notification</button>;


You can also create a poptart with a loading spinner that resolves to either an error or success poptart:

// Promise interface 
interface I_PoptartPromise {
	promise: Promise<void>;
	successMessage: string;
	errorMessage: string;

// Promise method
promise(message: string, promise: I_PoptartPromise, overrides?: Partial<I_PoptartProps>) => string;


const handleCreatePromisePoptart = () => {
	poptart.promise('Saving user data...', {
		promise: new Promise(resolve => {
			setTimeout(() => {
			}, 2000);
		successMessage: 'User data saved successfully!',
		errorMessage: 'Failed to save user data',

Poptart Properties

type?string'info'Type of the notification: 'info', 'success', 'error', 'warning'
messagestringN/AThe message displayed inside the notification
width?string'450px'Width of the notification
duration?number5000How long the notification stays visible (in milliseconds)
poptartStylestring'default'Style of poptart container. Options: 'default', 'filled', or 'inverted'. Default is 'filled'.
animation?string'bounceIn'Animation for the notification. Available options are 'fade', 'slide', 'bounceIn', etc.
animationDuration?number0.6Animation duration in seconds
onClick?functionundefinedCallback function for when a Poptart is clicked
promise?I_PoptartPromiseundefinedCreate a promise poptart that resolves to either an error or success poptart (see promises section)

Alerts Usage

You can also trigger alerts using the alert() method from usePoptart(). Alerts provide more detailed interactions like confirmation buttons and more.


import React from 'react';
import { usePoptart } from 'react-poptart';

const AlertButton = () => {
  const { alert } = usePoptart();

  const handleAlertClick = () => {
      title: 'Confirmation',
      message: 'Are you sure you want to proceed?',
      confirmButtonLabel: 'Yes',
      cancelButtonLabel: 'No',
      onConfirm: () => {
      onCancel: () => {

  return <button onClick={handleAlertClick}>Show Alert</button>;

Alert Properties

titlestringN/AThe title of the alert
messagestringN/AThe message displayed inside the alert
confirmButtonLabel?string'Ok'The label for the confirm button
cancelButtonLabel?string'Cancel'The label for the cancel button
onConfirm?functionN/ACallback function when the confirm button is pressed
onCancel?functionN/ACallback function when the cancel button is pressed
showCancelButton?booleantrueWhether to show the cancel button
showConfirmButton?booleantrueWhether to show the confirm button
defaultBackgroundColor?string#F5F5F5Background color of the alert
defaultFontColor?string#000Font color of the alert text
defaultAnimation?string'slideFromBottom'Animation for the alert display
defaultAnimationDuration?number0.25Animation duration in seconds
allowClickOffDismissal?booleantrueWhether clicking outside the alert dismisses it

Alert Inputs

In addition to basic alerts, react-poptart also supports input fields inside alerts, allowing for forms or other types of user input to be captured directly within the alert.


import React from 'react';
import { usePoptart } from 'react-poptart';

const InputAlertButton = () => {
  const { alert } = usePoptart();

  const handleAlertClick = () => {
      title: 'Enter Your Email',
      message: 'Please provide your email address.',
      input: {
        type: 'email',
        placeholder: '',
        required: true,
      confirmButtonLabel: 'Submit',
      cancelButtonLabel: 'Cancel',
      onConfirm: (value) => {
        console.log('Input value:', value);

  return <button onClick={handleAlertClick}>Show Input Alert</button>;

Alert Input Props

type?stringtextThe type of input (e.g., text, email)
placeholder?string""Placeholder text
required?booleanfalseWhether the input is required
validationCallback?functionundefinedCallback for custom input validation

Alert Inputs with Custom Validation

You can add custom validation to alert inputs by passing a validationCallback to the input configuration. This function should return true if the input is valid or return a string message if the validation fails. The string message will be displayed as an error.

Example with Custom Validation:

import React from 'react';
import { usePoptart } from 'react-poptart';

const CustomValidationAlertButton = () => {
  const { alert } = usePoptart();

  const handleAlertClick = () => {
      title: 'Enter Your Email',
      message: 'Please provide your email address.',
      input: {
        type: 'email',
        placeholder: '',
        required: true,
        validationCallback: (value) => {
          const emailPattern = /^[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+$/;
          if (!value) {
            return 'Email is required';
          } else if (!emailPattern.test(value)) {
            return 'Please enter a valid email address';
          return true;
      confirmButtonLabel: 'Submit',
      cancelButtonLabel: 'Cancel',
      onConfirm: (value) => {
        console.log('Valid input:', value);

  return <button onClick={handleAlertClick}>Show Custom Validation Alert</button>;

Custom Validation Workflow:

  1. The validationCallback function is passed to the alert input.
  2. If the input is valid, the callback returns true.
  3. If the input is invalid, the callback returns a string which will be displayed as an error message below the input field.

Default Configuration

Below is the default configuration for react-poptart. You can override these settings by passing a custom configuration object to the PoptartProvider.

export const defaultConfig: I_PoptartConfig = {
	// Default colors for the Poptart notifications
	colors: {
		success: '#229645', // Green color for success notifications
		error: '#e71b44', // Red color for error notifications
		warning: '#e9c514', // Yellow color for warning notifications
		info: '#1FA2FF', // Blue color for info notifications
		loading: '#4b5155', // Gray color for loading notifications
		textLight: '#f9f9f9', // Light contrasting color for text
		textDark: '#171717', // Dark contrasting color for text
		invertedBackground: '#f6f6f6', // Background color for inverted notifications
	// Override styles for various Poptart components
	styleOverrides: {
		container: {}, // Custom styles for the Poptart container
		poptart: {}, // Custom styles for individual Poptart notifications
		progressBar: {}, // Custom styles for the progress bar
		alertContainer: {}, // Custom styles for the alert container
		alert: {}, // Custom styles for the alert itself
	// Default alignment of Poptarts (possible values: 'tl' - top-left, 'tc' - top-center, 'tr' - top-right, 'bl'
	// - bottom-left, 'bc' - bottom-center, 'br' - bottom-right)
	defaultPoptartStyle: 'default', // Default style of the notification (possible values: 'default', 'filled', 'inverted')
	defaultAlign: 'br',
	// Default type of notification (possible values: 'success', 'error', 'warning', 'info')
	defaultType: 'info',
	// Default duration for which the notification is displayed (in milliseconds)
	defaultDuration: 5000,
	// Default width of the notification poptart
	defaultWidth: '450px',
	// Default animation for the notification appearance (possible values: 'bounceIn', 'fadeIn', 'slideFromLeft',
	// 'slideFromRight', 'slideFromTop', 'slideFromBottom')
	defaultAnimation: 'bounceIn',
	// Default animation duration for notifications (in seconds)
	defaultAnimationDuration: 0.6,
	// Default font size used in the notification text
	fontSize: 16,
	// Factor to adjust the size of icons relative to the font size
	iconSizeFactor: 2.5,
	// Customization for the progress bar in the notification
	progressBar: {
		lightColor: '#D6D6D6', // Color for the light theme of the progress bar
		darkColor: '#454545', // Color for the dark theme of the progress bar
		height: 5, // Height of the progress bar
	// Minimum contrast threshold for readability (used in calculating appropriate text color contrasts)
	contrastThreshold: 0.32,
	// Padding around the Poptart notification (X-axis)
	paddingX: 20,
	// Padding around the Poptart notification (Y-axis)
	paddingY: 16,
	// The z-index to control stacking order of the notification
	zIndex: 10,

	// Default settings for alerts (confirm/cancel dialog boxes)
	alerts: {
		defaultWidth: '600px', // Default width of the alert
		paddingX: 30, // Padding (X-axis) inside the alert box
		paddingY: 26, // Padding (Y-axis) inside the alert box
		borderRadius: 10, // Border radius for rounded corners of the alert box
		defaultType: 'info', // Default type of alert (info, success, error, or warning)
		defaultBackgroundColor: '#ffffff', // Default background color of the alert
		defaultFontColor: '#000', // Default text color inside the alert
		defaultFontSize: 20, // Default font size for the alert text
		defaultTitleFontSize: 28, // Font size for the alert title
		iconSizeFactor: 2, // Factor to adjust the size of icons within alerts
		borderWidth: 3, // Border width around the alert box
		defaultConfirmButtonColor: '#2d2d2d', // Color of the confirm button
		defaultCancelButtonColor: '#6B6B6B', // Color of the cancel button
		defaultConfirmButtonLabel: 'Ok', // Label text for the confirm button
		defaultCancelButtonLabel: 'Cancel', // Label text for the cancel button
		defaultShowCancelButton: false, // Whether the cancel button is shown by default
		defaultShowConfirmButton: true, // Whether the confirm button is shown by default
		defaultAnimation: 'slideFromBottom', // Default animation for alert boxes
		defaultAnimationDuration: 0.25, // Default duration for alert box animations (in seconds)
		allowClickOffDismissal: true, // Whether clicking outside the alert dismisses it

		// Default input styles for alerts (if input is used)
		input: {
			backgroundColor: '#fcfcfcac', // Background color for input fields in alerts
			fontColor: '#000', // Text color for input fields
			borderRadius: 5, // Border radius for the input field
			borderWidth: 1, // Border width around the input field
			paddingX: 10, // Padding (X-axis) for the input field
			paddingY: 8, // Padding (Y-axis) for the input field
			maxWidth: '70%', // Maximum width of the input field
			errorFeedbackColor: '#d12c2c', // Color used to indicate errors in input validation
			placeholderColor: '#a0a0a0', // Placeholder text color
	// Default settings for the spinner component
	spinner: {
		strokeWidth: 7, // Thickness of the spinner ring
		baseColor: '#f3f3f3', // Background color of the spinner ring
		accentColor: '#bbbbbb', // Accent color of the spinner ring
		animationDuration: 1, // Duration of the spinner animation (in seconds)

Dismissing Alerts

Alerts can be dismissed by clicking on the cancel button, clicking off the alert if allowClickOffDismissal is set to true, or programmatically using dismissAlert().

const { alert, dismissAlert } = usePoptart();

const handleDismiss = () => {

Custom Styling

You can override the styles of both notifications and alerts by providing a styleOverrides object in the configuration.

<PoptartProvider config={{
  styleOverrides: {
    poptart: {
      borderRadius: '8px',
      boxShadow: '0px 4px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)',
    alert: {
      borderRadius: '10px',
      backgroundColor: '#333',
      color: '#FFF',
    progressBar: {
      backgroundColor: '#FFCC00',
  <YourApp />


To develop react-poptart, simply clone and install dependencies and then run npm run dev. Run npm run build to build and npm run test to run all tests.


To report a bug or an issue, please use the GitHub Repo Issues Tracker.


All pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please file an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.